Cheam Source for Sports Title Sponsorship Agreement!


Title Sponsorship Agreement

Cheam Source for Sports Title Sponsorship Agreement


Chilliwack Minor Hockey Association is very excited to announce a new partnership with Cheam Source for Sports as the Associations Title Sponsor.  The team at Cheam Source for Sports has been working behind the scenes with the CMHA Board and have come up with a great package that will support the success of CMHA for years to come.  CMHA Board members have reviewed the Sponsorship and would like to publically thank Cheam Source for Sports for their gracious demonstration of community support!

Cheam Source for Sports will be sponsoring CMHA in the following ways:

  1. CMHA/Cheam Source for Sports Super Sport Program for U6-U9 Divisions:


Cheam Super Sport Program encourages players to have fun while learning about sportsmanship, friendship and being part of a team. Every child registered in a Super Sport program will receive a fun prize kit from Cheam Source for Sports because it is not about who is the best skater or who has the most goals on net - it is about loving hockey and all the life lessons it teaches.


Coaches will receive their Super Sport kits at the start of the year and will hand out 1 award per game and or practice to a player that has demonstrated the qualities of a Super Sport!  This could be helping a teammate, learning a new skill, passing the puck, encouraging others, showing good sportsmanship, or just having fun!


Each player will receive one prize coupon and award certificate throughout the season. No one will be left out, because we want all players to earn a prize to the best of their ability.  Prize packs will include a skate sharpening card, $5 coupon, and a prize. 


  1. CMHA U9 - U18 MVP Awards (1 winner per team / division):


The U9 - U18 CMHA Coaches will pick 1 MVP player ¾ of the way through the season and Cheam Source for Sports will award the player at the end of the season.  The MVP award will be given to the player that demonstrates a range of qualifications such as the most skilled player, the best teammate, and the player that always helps out.  The coach with the assistance of their team will select the person they name their Team MVP.  


A staff member from Cheam Source for Sports will attend a celebration at the end of the season where they will provide Recreational winners a new stick with their name and number on it and REP winners a Pro stick with their name and number on it.  Cheam Source for Sports will also have a Chiefs Suite night with all the winners.

  1. CMHA Peewee A1 Team Sponsor:

Cheam Source for Sports will continue their sponsorship of the Peewee A1 team!  Cheam Source for Sports will continue to provide the team with socks and shells as well as SWAG throughout the year (skateguards, Biosteel, etc.). Cheam Source for Sports will also do a “Chiefs Night” where they take the A1 players and a parent for each player to a game.  At the Chiefs game they will do a meet and greet the Chiefs players after the game.

  1. CMHA Tournaments:

Cheam Source for Sports will donate Player and Coach baskets to each tournament.  They will have a presence at the tournaments with activities and prizes.  Cheam Source for Sports will also provide skate sharpening flyers to CMHA which can be handed out to participants.    

  1. CMHA Team Apparel:

The CMHA Board will pick and approve what CCM items are available to CMHA teams. All team orders will go through Cheam Source for Sports. Once approved, Cheam Source for Sports will order stock before the season starts so team orders take less time.  CMHA will have all players sized by Cheam Source for Sports in advance of the season and keep the sizes on record so when teams are formed the sizes are prepared and ready for order.


  1. CMHA Golf Tournament:


Cheam Source for Sports will organize an annual golf tournament for Chilliwack Minor Hockey in consult with CMHA (Aug 14th, 2021 @ Chilliwack Golf Club).  All proceeds will go to CMHA.


  1. Cheam Source for Sports Hockey Palooza:


CMHA and Cheam Source for Sports will provide a mutual prize to two families who are finding it tough financially to put their kids in hockey.  CMHA will provide two individual prizes of a free season of hockey and Cheam Source for Sports will provide two individual prizes of a free full set of hockey equipment to the player.  CMHA and Cheam Source for Sports will advertise this on their social media platforms.


  1. CMHA Coaches Packages:

Every Head Coach will receive a “Head Coach Gift Package” at the start of the year from Cheam Source for Sports & CMHA. It will include a 6 Punch Sharpening Card, a Helmet Repair Kit, and a Fox40 Glove Grip Whistle.

Cheam Source for Sports will offer CMHA coaches a once a year Coaches Kit including 12 cones, a Coaches board, and a CCM Ribcor Team stick for the price of $95 per Coaches Kit (Retail value of $235).  The Coaches Kit will be at the personal expense of the Coach.

CMHA Coaches will also have access to specific special pricing on the following items (at personal expense):

  1. Blue Sport Coaches Board
  2. 6” Weighted Base Cones
  3. 2” Saucer Cones
  4. CMHA Rep Evaluation Jerseys:

Cheam Source for Sports will provide CCM 5000 Harvard and Black practice jerseys with White #’s on the front and back of the jersey and a Cheam Source for Sports Logo on it for a discounted price.


  1. CMHA Coach and Player Development Team:

Cheam Source for Sports will pay for and provide Grey CCM Premium track suits to each member of the Coach and Player Development Team.  These track suits will have the CMHA logo on the left breast of the jacket and the Cheam Source for Sports Logo on the Right arm of the jacket.

  1. CMHA Game Pucks:

Cheam Source for Sports will pay for the game pucks used by Chilliwack Minor Hockey.  They will have the Chilliwack Minor Logo on one side and the Cheam Source for Sports Logo on the opposite side.  Each Team will get 12 game pucks to be used only during games throughout the season.


In appreciation CMHA will provide the following to Cheam Source for Sports:    


  1. CMHA/Cheam Source for Sports Super Sport Program for U6-U9 Divisions:


This offers CMHA a great opportunity to promote youth hockey on social media showing the kids having fun! The coach or manager will take a picture of the winner receiving their award which will be shared with Cheam Source for Sports to be posted on their website and to be posted on the CMHA website.


  1. CMHA Peewee A1 Team Sponsor:


The Peewee A1 Team will provide Chilliwack Source for Sports a signed Team Photograph as a thank you before the end of the season in which their team was sponsored.


  1. CMHA Tournaments:


CMHA tournament organizers will hand out Cheam Source for Sport flyers to each of the participants at the tournament. (Flyers will be provided to CMHA by Cheam Source for Sports)

  1. CMHA Team Apparel:

The CMHA Board will pick and approve what CCM items are available to CMHA teams. All team orders will go through Cheam Source for Sports.

  1. CMHA Golf Tournament:


CMHA will provide volunteers and sponsors for the Golf Tournament.

  1. Cheam Source for Sports Hockey Palooza:

CMHA will set up a stand / tent at Cheam Source for Sports sales event on the last weekend in August and will provide information to families in attendance on Minor Hockey. 


CMHA and Cheam Source for Sports will provide a mutual prize to two families who are finding it tough financially to put their kids in hockey.  CMHA will provide two individual prizes of a free season of hockey and Cheam Source for Sports will provide two individual prizes of a free full set of hockey equipment to the player.


CMHA and Cheam Source for Sports will advertise this on their social media platforms.


  1. Cheam Source for Sports logo on the CMHA initiation rink boards:


CMHA will place the Cheam Source for Sports logo on all the doors attached to the initiation boards.

  1. Cheam Source for Sports Advertising On CMHA Website:

CMHA will setup and add a printable “Cheam Source for Sports Gear Diagram / Checklist” with the CMHA logo at the top.  The Diagram / Checklist will provide parents with the information for all the needed gear players will need to play hockey safely.

Chilliwack Minor Hockey Association would again like to formally thank Cheam Source for Sports for their sponsorship and commitment to community.  This sponsorship will strengthen CMHA’s ability to bolster the player and coach development program, while offering many players and coaches direct benefit and exciting team experiences.

Thank you Cheam Source for Sports!


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