CMHA Constitution & By-Laws; Policies & Manuals

We believe as a volunteer based association to take part in our community and make a better learning environment for the kids.
Together we make goals and the kids get to play the sport they love.
Help us, join us to continue to grow!
Have a great Season!
2024-2025 Season
Constitution and Bylaws - June 2021
CMHA Policy Manual
If anyone has a question about how the association is run or how decisions should be made, sections of the Societies Act which may be helpful are Part 5 Division 2 and Division 4:
The language can be challenging to navigate so they may find it helpful to call 1-877-526-1526.
This takes you to a phone tree but you can reach a live body eventually who will answer questions regarding the Societies Act.
The Societies Act is current (May 15, 2019) and available to the general public at this website:
Contact information for Societies is available: