U7 & U9 Ref and Game Info
For U7 Cross Ice games only my be played
3vs3, 4vs4, or 5vs5 discuss with coaches prior to game starting to see what works best
PCAHA states the clock should be:
- 5 min warm up
- 1st period: 24 mins
- 2 min break
- 2nd period: 24 mins (or the amount of time left in your ice slot minus 2 mins).
- There is no 3rd period for U9 games
- Running time
- Buzzer sounds every 2 mins for line changes
- No score is kept
- No penalties
- If a player on your team causes a penalty, please have the player sit a shift if needed. Many of the U9 refs are new/younger so please support them if needed.
For U9 and Female U9 Full Ice:
PCAHA states the clock should be:
- 5 min warm up
- 1st period:
- 2nd period:
- 3rd period:
- No score is kept
VERY IMPORTANT - HiSport/Spordle Play must be completed for EVERY game.
For every game:
- Prior to your game, please log on as "Member/Admin" and check off/sign your roster.
- EVERYONE on the bench must be checked off. If you have a player who is not playing but will be on the bench (for example a player who is injured), they must have a helmet/neckguard on and they must be checked off on the roster.
Home team only:
- Home teams are responsible for paying the refs in cash ($20/each, 2 refs per game).
- All ref money will be deposited automatically into your team account no later than September 7, 2023
- Home team also is responsible for doing scoreclock and the electronic game sheet (on HiSport)
- For the electronic scoresheet, your scorekeeper will log on to HiSport as "Scorekeeper" with the game number and your team's HCR (this can be found on your roster sent from the office).
- Please ensure they enter the periods correctly (2 24min periods).
- At the end of the game, the scorekeeper will need to sign and the refs will sign
There are tutorial sheets further explaining HiSport/Spordle that can be found on CMHA's website:
- Please log on to your HiSport/Spordle Play account as Member/Admin
- Click on "Teams" on the left hand side
- Select your team and click on "ROSTER"
- Please ensure every player on your team is listed here. If someone is missing, please let me know. If a player is not listed on your HiSport/Spordle Play roster, they can not play in a game.
- On this page, you can then enter each Player's jersey Number so you do not need to enter each game.
- It is important that you do this ASAP so that if anyone is missing from your roster, we are able to correct it prior to your games.
- U7 and U9 be sure to know if you have a conflict before hand as you only have one jersey colour and will need to sort out with your director and equipment manager to use a spare set that isn't a conflict
***IMPORTANT*** Please note all exhibition game fees are to be covered by the team (team fees) CMHA only pays for league game referee costs
Scratch Pad - Game Notes
Referee Payment Tracking - PDF
Referee Payment Tracking - Excel Doc
U7 and U9 be sure to know if you have a conflict before hand as you only have one jersey colour and will need to sort out with your director and equipment manager to use a spare set that isn't a conflict