Clinics for NEW officials will be delivered in-person and held in August or September of the current season.
A MHA RIC or a Senior official appointed by the CMHA RIC will deliver the clinic to the NEW Officials.
New officials will receive an email with the in-person clinic registration information after completion of the HU 1/2 course.
New officials need to be 12 years old by December 31st of the current season.
New officials over 18 years by December 31 of the current season will have to complete the criminal record check with BC Hockey.
Chilliwack MHA will take a maximum of 25 new officials per season. CMHA will start a waitlist once we reach 25 new officials registered. This sometimes varies based on age groups applying.
Chilliwack MHA may require new officials to attend a start up meeting. This meeting will explain the role and requirements to become an official. Your RIC will inform you of this information when it is available.
Officials need to recertify every year. Recertification clinics will be posted on the HCR web site starting in September of the current season.
Officials will need to keep their Spordle profile up-to-date, including their availability calendar.